
Monteblanco Caturra ‘Coconut Lemonade’ Extended Fermentation Natural

This exciting coffee from Finca Monteblanco is fermented with coconut and cholupa to produce unique sweet, fruity flavors that we’re loving.

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Coffee Grade:
Excelso UGQ
Finca Monteblanco
Extended Fermentation Natural
1,730 meters above sea level
Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia
Farm Size:
14 hectares
Bag Size:
70kg GrainPro
Harvest Months:
Year-round, depending on the region

About This Coffee

Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia is a third-generation coffee farmer at Finca Monteblanco. His grandfather began cultivating coffee here several decades ago and today, Rodrigo works to preserve the natural diversity and productivity of the farm.


Finca Monteblanco is located near Cueva de los Guacharos, one of the 59 protected parks in Colombia. The Suaza river also runs nearby and provides fresh water for cultivation and processing.

Rodrigo cultivates Caturra, Geisha, Pink Bourbon and Pacamara varieties on Finca Monteblanco. The high altitude and superb microclimate of Acevedo, Huila creates the ideal conditions for cultivating specialty coffees..

Harvest & Post-Harvest

Cherry is selectively handpicked and delivered to the on-site wet mill. Cherry is floated to remove any under or over-ripe coffee.

Before processing cherry, Rodrigo combines a mixture of lactobacillus, saccharomyses and cerevisiae bacteria for a total of 10 different yeasts to cherry to promote fermentation. Rodrigo also added cholupa, a sour fruit often used to make a form of lemonade, and dried coconut to this mixture to add additional flavor. Finally, he adds a sugar-rich mixture to feed fermentation, such as molasses, panela or granulated sugar. The mixture is sealed and fermented for 8 days. After 8 days, cherry is added to the fruit mixture and fermented for 180 hours (7.5 days).

Following fermentation, coffee is washed in clean water and laid in parabolic beds to dry. Cherry is raked frequently to ensure even drying. It takes approximately 25 to 30 days for cherry to dry.


Founded by experienced agricultural trader Vicente Mejía, Clearpath Coffee works with producers in Colombia and exports high quality, sustainable single-origin coffees from smallholders, cooperatives and estates. Clearpath partners with producers to support ethical, sustainable growth through fair prices, direct communication with buyers and building long term relationships with sustainability-minded buyers.

Coffee in Colombia

Colombia has been producing and exporting coffee renowned for their full body, bright acidity and rich aftertaste, since the early 19th century.

Colombia boasts a wide range of climates and geographic conditions that, in turn, produce their own unique flavors in coffee. This also means that harvest times can vary quite a bit. In fact, between all its different regions, Colombia produces fresh crop nearly all year round.

The increasing focus on the specialty industry is changing the way traders and farmers do business. It is becoming more common for farmers to isolate the highest quality beans in their lots to market separately. These higher-quality lots are often sold under specific brands or stories.

Besides its wide variety of cup profiles, Colombia has quickly expanded its certification options over the past 10 years. The most common certifications available are Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, UTZ and Organic.

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